Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about electrical authorization.
(NFC 18-510 and NFC 18-550 standards)

What authorization is necessary?

"Operations on electrical installations or in their neighborhood can only be carried out by authorized workers" (article R. 4544-9 of the labor code)

-You are an employer or responsible for health and safety and you are lost with all the regulations linked to electrical authorization.
-You are employed and you do not know what training to ask from your employer in relation to the work you do.

On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions about electrical authorization.

You will then see some situations with the corresponding authorization.

For further details, do not hesitate to call us. We will be happy to guide you

Some answers to the many questions you ask yourself about electrical authorization:

“The EMPLOYER is required to train its employees in the prevention of electrical risk for professional activities where this risk is present.


At the end of this training, the EMPLOYER must issue an AUTHORIZATION to each of the people placed under his authority, when they carry out ELECTRICAL OR NON-ELECTRICAL OPERATIONS requiring authorization

The accreditation is the recognition by the employer of the capacity of a person placed under his authority to carry out, safely with regard to electrical risk, the tasks entrusted to him."

It's then the employer or his delegate in matters of health and safety who signs the accreditation document.  

The fact that you are reading this demonstrates your desire to comply with these regulations, and our team will be happy to guide you through the process. 

The employer, must organize and finance electrical safety training (articles R.4544-10 and L. 4141-4 of the labor code) 

Apprentices and trainees are subject to the same health and safety rules of the labor code as other workers. It is therefore the employer who authorizes the apprentice or trainee, in relation to the operations that he will carry out, after having ensured his aptitude and his training relating to safety.

No live operation will be entrusted to a minor trainee.

he won't be left without supervision if he's in premises where there's risk of entering in contact with bare live parts (article D. 4153-24 of the labor code). An exception may be made in the case of very low voltage (<50V in a dry environment).

If he holds an electrical authorization, he will be able to carry out operations on electrical installations or electrical or non-electrical operations in the vicinity of these installations (article R. 4153-50 of the Labor Code)

They can be empowered B0, H0 for non-electrical work and at maximum  B1, H1, B1V for electrical work (interministerial circular no. 11 of October 23, 2013

Any company operating in France must comply with French regulations and the provisions of the labor code. Authorization is necessary for foreign companies working in France.


The authorization must be renewed every 3 years.

To extend the authorization, it will then be necessary to carry out training for electrical accreditation of “refresher training”, which will generally be shorter than the initial training. 

The accreditation is the recognition by the employer of the capacity of a person placed under his authority to carry out, safely with regard to electrical risk, the tasks entrusted to him."

An authorization title is a document, signed by the employee and the employee, which formalizes the authorization.

The employer has the possibility of authorizing his employee for different types of operation. Following the operation 

These different missions are characterized by a symbol

We offer you a simple form to complete the authorization title. Click here.

Some examples of situations and the necessary authorization.
Move the cursor over the image to discover the corresponding authorization symbol

Non-electrical operations

Non-electrical work
(painting, masonry, etc.)
In an electrical environment

B0 H0V

This accreditation preparation training is intended for all personnel carrying out non-electrical operations near low or high voltage electrical hazards. Examples: painting work in an electrical room...
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Near buried networks


Following amendment A1 of NFC 18-510 in 2020, BF-HF authorization has been put in place for your teams carrying out operations near buried conduits. 
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Some other situations

Electrical operations



Intended for all non-electrical personnel carrying out basic electrical maneuvers or interventions.
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Initial installation of photovoltaic panels
handling of removable connectors except connecting the chain to a junction box

For who?

Intended for all electrical personnel carrying out operations on photovoltaic panels. 
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Intended for all non-electrical personnel carrying out basic electrical maneuvers or interventions.
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Intended for all electrical personnel carrying out operations on photovoltaic panels. 
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LOW VOLTAGE troubleshooting operations



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Electrical works manager

Lock out supervisor

PERFORMER of electrical work


For who?

Intended for all electrical personnel carrying out operations on photovoltaic panels. 
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Electric Vehicles and Machines

The authorization of your employees working on electric vehicles is framed by the NFC 18-550 standard.

Accreditation thresholds :

  • Continuous: rated voltage > 60 V
  • AC: rms voltage > 25 V
  • Batteries: capacity > 180 Ah

non-electrical interventions near batteries or electric or hybrid vehicles.


Electrical vehicle accreditation B2VL BRL BCl BEL


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Useful equipment:

Basic electrical intervention kit

protection kit – small intervention – nfc18510 – catu kit-18510-bs/2 consists of: 1000V insulating gloves cotton undergloves face shield absence of voltage checker macaroon Locking device low voltage safety guide locking.

VAT (Voltage Absence Tester)

Featuring a slim design, the compact Fluke T90 Voltage Absence and Continuity Checker provides you with fast test results tailored to your needs. Ergonomic, easy-to-use buttons, backlit LED indicators, as well as a clear audible indicator allow you to quickly achieve results in any working situation. The design of Fluke no-voltage and continuity testers allows them to adapt to the way you work.

Face shield EN166

An exceptional 180° field of vision. Easy to assemble with its cap and headband adjustable in height and depth, Sphère adapts to all body types, for all uses. Chemical protection against splashing liquids and liquid droplets. Protection against short-circuit electric arcs. Ultraviolet radiation protection filters.

Insulating gloves EN 60903

Individual protection against electric shock when working under 500 V voltage. These latex gloves are to be used with leather gloves for mechanical protection. The use of thin cotton undergloves is recommended for better comfort and good hygiene. Complies with EN 60903: 2003, equivalent to IEC 60903: 2014 IEC 60903 class 00 insulating gloves (500 V AC 750 V DC). Category III Personal Protective Equipment. Material: beige natural latex. Shaped as close as possible to the hand to ensure good ergonomics and sensitivity. AZC category (acid, ozone and very low temperature resistance). Marking of gloves according to IEC 60903. Instructions for use. Range: Size: 09. AZC Category. Maximum voltage 500 V a. vs. 750 V d. vs. Mass: 90 kg. Dimensions: 360 x 100 mm Thickness 1. 10 mm

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